Prayer Warriors Unite
IAOGI National Prayer
‘In 2016, Rev Gerrit Apperloo, along with his wife Elizabeth, in partnership with the Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America, began the Prayer Initiative in the Independent Assemblies of God and it was with a desired heart to raise a nation to a deeper level of intentional and deliberate prayer, to build up “Houses of Prayer” within every church.
We are looking to take the next step and put into practice the things we have learned. We are coming to a place where we need to unite. Therefore, from here on in we’re calling ourselves “Prayer Warriors Unite”, as I believe God to gather the people of prayer across this nation, that we would come together and stand united to move in a corporate manner in lifting the things of people’s hearts.
We are the Body of Christ and every member is essential. We are all called to pray, to encourage, to support and inspire one another in the work of the Ministry, therefore let the Prayer Warriors Unite.
It is my desire, to see 1 Thessalonians 5:17 established within every person of the body of Christ, to have persevering prayer established throughout the local churches and organizations.
It is also my desire to see every person come back to the heart of worship in seeking God’s face, His wisdom, and His solutions for every challenge, circumstance or goal in life both personally and corporately, whereas we obtain His victory in all things.
I believe It is the desire of every one of your hearts as well, to get Heavens perspective for all things pertaining to what God wants to do through every aspect of missions & ministry to which He has called us to, along with uniting together to overcome life’s challenges as we were meant to. This is accomplished together through unceasing prayer as Prayer Warriors Unite.
I also believe it is God’s Heart & His Will to see the whole body working together as one. So let the Prayer Warriors link arms in prayer, praying and supporting one another as we build His kingdom together!
Blessings to you all,
Doreen Charette
IAOG |National Prayer Coordinator

Doreen Charette
IAOG |National Prayer Coordinator
“Never stop praying.“
– 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NLT)